Character Guides: Revenge of the Slitheen
Name: The Slitheen Family
Played by: Paul Kasey/Jimmy Vee
Home Planet: Raxacoricofallapatorius
Species: Raxacoricofallapatorian
More Information: The Family Slitheen squeeze their massive bodies into the much smaller skins of their human victims, using compression fields generated through collars worn around their necks. However, in order to maintain this compression, gas exchanges must be released causing a condition similar to human flatulence.Name: Carl Slitheen
Played by: Anton Thompson McCormick
Home Planet: Raxacoricofallapatorius
Species: Raxacoricofallapatorian
More Information: Maria and Clyde are chased first by their Slitheen science teacher, Mr. Jeffrey and then the school genius, Carl, unzips in front of them to reveal a child Slitheen. Luckily Maria and Clyde escape, and later Luke turns the machine that will turn off the Sun off and uses the Sonic Lipstick to cause the machine to malfunction. As the room explodes, Carl is trapped, but he teleport's away, but Sarah Jane is unaware of this....Disguise Names: Mr Blakeman and Mr Geffrey Slitheen Names: Glune Fex Fize Sharleveer-Slam Slitheen and Kist Magg Thek Lutovin-Day Slitheen.
Played by: Martyn Ellis and Ian Midlane.
Home Planet: Raxacoricofallapatorius
Species: Raxacoricofallapatorian
More Information: Glune Fex Fize and Kist Magg Thek are Slitheen in disguise in Park Vale. They are planning to turn off the Sun but Sarah Jane, Luke, Maria, and Clyde manage to stop them.Name: Janine Slitheen
Played by: Imogen Bain
Home Planet: Raxacoricofallapatorius
Species: Raxacoricofallapatorian
More Information: Sarah Jane is attacked by a female Slitheen who disguised herself as a company secretary, Janine. Sarah Jane manages to escape and stop the evil plans of the Slitheen and Janine is electrocuted and explodes.