Episode: Series One, New Years Day 2007 Special
Name: Invasion of the Bane
Written by: Russell T. Davies and Gareth Roberts
Running Time: 60 minutes
Broadcast Date: 1 January 2007
Preceded by: No previous episode
Followed by: Revenge of the Slitheen
Aliens Featured: Star Poet and Bane
- Elisabeth Sladen – Sarah Jane Smith
- Yasmin Paige – Maria Jackson
- Tommy Knight – Luke Smith
- Porsha Lawrence Mavour – Kelsey Harper
- Alexander Armstrong – Mr Smith
- Jamie Davis – Davey
- Joseph Millson – Alan Jackson
- Juliet Cowan – Chrissie Jackson
- Konnie Huq and Gethin Jones – Themselves
- John Leeson – Voice of K-9
- Samantha Bond – Mrs Wormwood
Investigative journalist Sarah Jane Smith teams up with her 13-year-old neighbour, Maria Jackson, to face up against the scheming Ms Wormwood, the head of a company producing a popular and addictive soft drink called Bubble Shock!
Plot (Thanks to Wikipedia for the plot!)
The episode starts with a thirteen year old girl, Maria Jackson, and her recently divorced father Alan moving into a house opposite journalist and former time-traveller Sarah Jane Smith. The night after they have moved in, Maria is woken by an ethereal light emanating from Sarah Jane's house, which she discovers, to her amazement and later horror, to be Sarah conversing with a butterfly-like alien species. The next morning, her neighbour Kelsey Harper visits and welcomes her. She invites Maria into town, using the free "Bubble Shock!" bus to travel there and tour the factory. Once they arrive at the factory, they are lead to a security scanner, which surreptitiously collects their DNA to transfer to an "Archetype" under the supervision of the factory's owner, Mrs Wormwood. Sarah Jane, having overheard the girls making plans, follows them to the factory and interviews Mrs Wormwood, and how she was able to get approval for the drink so fast, and why the Bane, an ingredient unique to the drink, was "resisting" analysis, to which she is told that all that Bubble Shock! is doing is satisfying the needs of the Western world. On Sarah's way out, she is almost killed by Wormwood's secretary. Kelsey wanders from the tour and attempts to phone her friend, but disturbs an unknown beast, the Bane Mother, to the annoyance of the staff, to which Wormwood orders the alarms switched off and Sarah Jane killed. Maria attempts to phone Kelsey, but sets off the alarms again, causing the Archetype to escape, transferring the focus upon him. Maria, while escaping, encounters him, who just mimics her, and they escape into a women's bathroom. Sarah Jane then enters, and although they are surprised to see each other, they manage to escape the factory, albeit without Kelsey. When they arrive back on Bannerman Road, Sarah warns Maria not to get involved as her life is too dangerous. Meanwhile, Kelsey is accosted by the factory guards, which causes her to rant about the treatment she has received. Wormwood subdues her by revealing her true form, and having discovered Kelsey and Sarah Jane live on the same street, uses her PR representative Davey to escort her home. Once there, Maria realises upon sight of Kelsey that Davey had discovered Sarah and tries to run into Sarah Jane's house. Eventually realising their intent, Sarah Jane brings them inside, with Davey, now as a Bane, giving chase. Sarah Jane is able to repel Davey and then, upon discovery of the attic by Kelsey, tells the teenagers about aliens: years ago, she met the Doctor, a man like no other, who took her through time and space. The adventures suddenly ended, but when they met by chance (in "School Reunion") not long ago, they realised they were still fond for each other. Once Sarah Jane has analysed that the Bane ingredient was sentient, she contacts Wormwood and politely requests that she leaves Earth. Wormwood refuses, and in retaliation takes control of the majority of the human race. Sarah Jane races to the factory, but cannot enter until she drives the bus into a wall. Wormwood reveals the Bane Mother, and explains the Archetype is a conglomerate of human DNA designed to be investigated so that Bubble Shock could be improved. The Archetype uses an alien communicator Sarah Jane had been given, realising that the signal would be strong enough to kill the Bane Mother, and Sarah Jane, Maria, and the Archetype escape as the factory explodes. The following evening, Sarah Jane agrees to adopt the Archetype and agrees with Maria to call him "Luke". The episode closes with a monologue by Sarah Jane that while space may be strange, adventures may be had on Earth, if one knows where to look.Merchanside
Invasion of the Bane merchandise includes a novel adaption of the story, a figure pack with Sarah Jane and the Star Poet with stand and light up feature, there is also a DVD of the Invasion of the Bane, a toy set with Sarah Jane's sonic lipstick and watch scanner, and a toy set with Sarah Janes alien communicator and it will also be released on the complete series one boxset in November.